Brand x eComm Insights by MikMak

How Brands Can Celebrate and Reach Hispanic Shoppers during National Hispanic Heritage Month and Beyond

Written by Tony Sloan | October 3, 2022 at 9:16 PM


We are about halfway through National Hispanic Heritage Month, which extends through October 15th. Aligning with this celebratory time, we took a closer look at one of eCommerce’s fastest-growing consumer segments: Hispanic Shoppers.

According to the Urban Institute, the US Hispanic population represents nearly one in five Americans. Further research also shows that Latinas are starting businesses at 3x the general population, and Hispanic home buyers will make up the majority of homeownership growth for the next two decades

Likewise, our recent guide, ‘Closing the Gap on Consumer Relevance,’ showed us that shoppers, especially Gen Z shoppers, are more diverse. For example, Gen Z Hispanic-identifying shoppers have a purchase intent rate of 7.3 percent (1.35x the current average). Further data revealed that this consumer segment is shopping across different product categories and generations. 

Similar to the ‘Closing the Gap’ report, we uncovered the following insights using MikMak Shopper Intelligence, which ties real-time eCommerce insights to thousands of demographic and psychographic data points. Here’s what we found. 

Toys, Home Care, and Personal Care are among the most shopped for product categories by Hispanic-identifying consumers

The MikMak Shopping Index showed that the top product currently being shopped for by Hispanic shoppers on the MikMak Platform was from a pet food brand. However, following the pet brand, numerous products within the Toys, Home Care, and Personal Care categories showed up strong.

Brands that appear as top performers on this list should consider their Hispanic shopping base not just during National Hispanic Heritage Month, but year-round. Consider adding inclusive messaging and creative to your ad campaigns. Is your brand using images with Hispanic models? Can your ads be translated to cater to native Spanish speakers? These are all things to consider when developing your ad copy and creative.

Most online Hispanic shoppers are bilingual or native Spanish speakers

The MikMak Shopping Index shows that 45 percent of Hispanic-identifying shoppers are bilingual, speaking both Spanish and English. Furthermore, 29 percent speak only Spanish, and 26 percent speak only English. Since most in-market Hispanic shoppers speak Spanish, brands must be able to communicate with their consumers appropriately.

An example of this is a recent ad from Pringles. Using a MikMak experience featuring three popular product variations from the brand, they include the messaging “Que no te atrapen sin Pringles,” along with options that guide the shopper to check out at the retailer they prefer. 

Brands can follow this best practice easily with MikMak’s Automatic Translation Tool. Automatic language translation reduces friction by instantly updating Commerce experiences to the primary language based on the shopper’s geolocation. In addition, automatically translating your ad creates more localized shopping experiences for international audiences.

Many Hispanic Shoppers are also cooking and music enthusiasts

Looking at additional psychographic data provided by MikMak Shopper Intelligence, we found that 24 percent of Hispanic shoppers in our platform also identify as cooking enthusiasts. Further, 21 percent identify as music enthusiasts. Knowing your consumer’s interests may help you decide when and where to advertise your products to shoppers. 

For example, COVERGIRL recently reached music and podcast listeners using MikMak on the audio-streaming platform, Spotify. So while consumers listen to their favorite songs or podcast, they can see the advertisement displayed on their screen and check out at their preferred retailer using the MikMak shopping experience. This campaign saw a purchase intent rate of 17 percent (1.4x the beauty category benchmark) while advertising on a popular self-help podcast. The success of COVERGIRL shows that knowing your consumer has an interest in music, cooking, or other hobbies can help you decide where to place your advertisements to meet your consumers where they are. 

This National Hispanic Heritage Month, prioritize understanding and celebrating your Hispanic shoppers. With MikMak Shopper Intelligence, you can personalize your marketing to include your consumers’ interests and needs. Schedule a demo today to learn more about how your brand can reach and create a seamless shopping experience for its consumers.