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2024’s Back-to-School eCommerce Playbook: Trends in Grocery and Personal Care

While the summer heat might be in full force now, the familiar hustle of back-to-school is quickly approaching, and shopping takes center stage for many U.S. families. According to the National...

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omnichannel marketing

10 Reasons to Use a Where-to-Buy Solution on Your Brand’s Website

Most brands have a website, but many only showcase products, setting up a conversion dead-end. Additionally, a misconception exists around the idea that going Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) is the only...

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omnichannel marketing

How to Drive Omnichannel Sales on Meta: Creative Best Practices

In today's fast-paced digital world, brand advertisers face the challenge of capturing consumers' attention and driving sales across multiple channels. According to a 2023 Nielsen study, campaigns...
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Paying Attention to Prices and Promotions this 2022 Back-to-School Season

Second only to the winter holiday season, back-to-school shopping is one of the biggest retail occasions of the year. With 40 percent of back-to-school shoppers starting their purchases in July,...

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Preparing for Retailer Driven Shopping Occasions in 2022

With Amazon Prime Day set for July 12th and 13th this year, some of the most highly anticipated online sales and shopping occasions are coming up. During last year’s retailer driven shopping...

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