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digital marketing

Thriving in the Era of Consumer-Centric Commerce ft. Diageo and Bazaarvoice

A study by PwC found that 73 percent of consumers prioritize their experience above all other factors when choosing where to buy. In today's dynamic marketplace, how consumers shop has undergone...

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product discovery

The French Winter Sales: eCommerce Insights to Boost Your Brand’s Occasion-Based Marketing and Discounts

In France, brands and retailers are gearing up for the annual Winter Sales or ‘Soldes d’Hiver’, starting this year on the 10th of January and ending on the 6th of February in the majority of French...

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digital marketing

Analyzing Consumer Behavior to Improve Alcohol Marketing Effectiveness in Europe

In Europe, Alcohol prices rose by 9.8 percent over the past year. This may well have influenced European consumers to spend more on beverages to drink at home rather than going out to bars. There...

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digital marketing

How to Win Over Rugby World Cup Shoppers with Your eCommerce Marketing Plan

The fast-approaching 2023 Rugby World Cup (RWC) has historically been a massive sporting event. In the past, the event has reached up to 857 million people around the world. This year’s RWC sold...

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digital marketing

How Three Brands Thrived After Enabling MikMak Commerce in Their Paid Search Programs

According to eMarketer, Paid Search spend represents 41.8 percent of all digital ad spending, and is projected to reach $110 billion in 2023. With Paid Search representing such a large portion of...

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